The Business of Farming diversify, thrive, and grow
Thursday, Jan 16 | 9:00am - 12:15pm
Hall A Meeting Room #2
Join Shaun Haney from RealAgriculture for an insightful presentation on trends to watch for in agriculture, with information from RealAgristudies on production diversification in small-to-medium-sized farms.
Tickets for the Business of Farming seminar includes lunch & admission to the Western Canadian Crop Production Show on Thursday, Jan 16, 2025.
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8:15 am – 9:00 am _ Registration
9:00 am _ Welcome by Sponsor
9:15 am – 10:15 am _ Shaun Haney
10:15 am – 10:30 am _ Coffee Break
10:30 am – 11:30 am _ Q&A Panel
11:30 am _ Lunch
Speaker Bio - Shaun Haney
Founder of RealAgriculture, Shaun Haney managed one of the leading industry ag media companies for Canadian farmers and ranchers. RealAgriculture provides the latest in ag policy, agronomics, current events and farm management from their website, radio shows, and podcast streams. Shaun is the host of RealAg Radio which is broadcast across North America on Rural Radio Channel 147 on SiriusXM daily and the host of RealAg on the Weekend which is heard every Saturday and Sunday on 650 CKOM and 980 CJME across Saskatchewan. He also makes regular appearances on RFD-TV, Agritalk and US Farm Report. With Justin Funk of Agri Studies, Shawn helms RealAgristudies, a market insights partnership formed in 2019.
Panel Producer - Evan Shout
Evan Shout is the president and co-founder of Maverick Ag Ltd, a business risk management and consulting firm focused on insurance and data analytics. He also serves as the Chief Financial Officer at Hebert Grain Ventures (HGV), a 40,000-acre grain and oilseed operation in Southeast Saskatchewan. Along with Kristjan Hebert, he founded Farmer Coach, a first-of-its-kind educational and coaching program for primary producers. He and Kristjan also co-host The Truth About Ag podcast, a raw, off-the-cuff discussion of the real-time issues facing agriculture today.
Evan is a CPA who worked with MNP in his past career, specializing in large-scale primary producer grain operations. He is passionate about improving farm businesses and focuses on human resources management, technology, data analysis, and financial and operational risk practices.
His goal is to change the face of financial risk management in agriculture, leaving the dirt, financial statements, and industry in a better state than they were in the last generation.
Panel Producer - Matt Enns
Matt Enns was born into a 3rd generation mixed farm in the Sask Valley near Rosthern, Saskatchewan. Often told by his father he was “just not a farmer”, Matt decided to attend post-secondary and was a Division 1 student/athlete at the University of Saskatchewan graduating in 2004.
Matt was a Physical Therapist for 12 years in the nearby city of Saskatoon, all the while retaining a connection to farming by seeding/harvesting with Double E Grain, his Dad’s grain operation. In 2012 Matt bought out a neighboring farm to join his Dad and two other owner-operators, and in 2014 let his Physio license go to become a full-time farmer.
Matt found a niche on the farm leading the commodity marketing and secondary to a long-list of interesting factors, stumbled upon the idea of setting up Saskatchewan’s first small-batch malting facility. In late 2017 Maker’s Malt produced its first batch and the next few years were a whirlwind including the learning curve of a craft malting business, the addition of twin boys and their little brother and a relocation back to living in Rosthern.
Matt has since bought out another one of the original owner-operators and now farms 8500 acres alongside his Dad – Elmer.
How do the mobile eTickets work?
- Tickets can be purchased in advance online by clicking “Get Tickets” or by visiting Authentigate here.
- Upon completing the purchasing process, an email will be generated and sent to you. This email will contain your mobile ticket and your unique QR code.
- Bring this QR code to the door for scanning. We can scan your ticket from your phone or tablet or from a printed copy.
Can I buy a ticket at the door?
- In-person/walk up tickets will be available on-site during the 3 days of the show at Prairieland.
- Tickets are priced the same in-person as they are online.
Bulk Tickets
Many companies purchase bulk admissions as a way of saying thank you to their customers, staff or clients. Others choose to organize a bus trip to the Western Canadian Crop Production Show! Either way, we can help with your admission passes!*
*some conditions and date restrictions apply
You’ll get:
- Reduced rates on bulk purchase of admission passes. Your company will be invoiced only for the passes that are used.
- Fast and easy access to the premier grain industry show in Western Canada.
General Info
You’ll find friendly volunteers at the Information Booth located inside the Main Foyer of the World Trade Center Saskatoon.
Future Shows
January 9-12, 2023
January 8-11, 2024
January 13-16, 2025